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Sec. 16.10.070. Operation of fish traps. - Fish traps, including but not limited to floating, pile-driven, or...
Sec. 16.10.080. Federal compact exempted. - AS 16.10.070 may not be construed to violate sec. 4,...
Sec. 16.10.090. Penalty for violation of AS 16.10.070. - A person who violates AS 16.10.070 is guilty of a...
Sec. 16.10.100. Erection of fish traps prohibited on land or water owned by state. - Fish traps, including but not limited to floating, pile-driven, or...
Sec. 16.10.110. Penalty for violation of AS 16.10.100. - A person who violates AS 16.10.100 is guilty of a...
Sec. 16.10.120. Use of drum or reel in operation of purse seine. - A person may not use, employ, or operate a drum...
Sec. 16.10.125. Use of termination device on shellfish and bottom fish pot required. - The Board of Fisheries shall, by regulation, prescribe a termination...
Sec. 16.10.130. Penalty for violation of AS 16.10.120 or 16.10.125. - A person who violates AS 16.10.120 or 16.10.125 is guilty...