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Sec. 23.30.100. Notice of injury or death. - (a) Notice of an injury or death in respect to...
Sec. 23.30.105. Time for filing of claims. - (a) The right to compensation for disability under this chapter...
Sec. 23.30.107. Release of information. - (a) Upon written request, an employee shall provide written authority...
Sec. 23.30.108. Prehearings on discovery matters; objections to requests for release of information; sanctions for noncompliance. - (a) If an employee objects to a request for written...
Sec. 23.30.110. Procedure on claims. - (a) Subject to the provisions of AS 23.30.105, a claim...
Sec. 23.30.115. Attendance and fees of witnesses. - (a) A person is not required to attend as a...
Sec. 23.30.120. Presumptions. - (a) In a proceeding for the enforcement of a claim...
Sec. 23.30.121. Presumption of coverage for disability from diseases for certain firefighters. - (a) There is a presumption that a claim for compensation...
Sec. 23.30.122. Credibility of witnesses. - The board has the sole power to determine the credibility...
Sec. 23.30.125. Administrative review of compensation order. - (a) A compensation order becomes effective when filed with the...
Sec. 23.30.127. Appeals to commission. - (a) A party in interest may appeal a compensation order...
Sec. 23.30.128. Commission proceedings. - (a) An appeal from a decision of the board under...
Sec. 23.30.129. Judicial review of commission orders. - (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of AS 44.62.560, orders of the...
Sec. 23.30.130. Modification of awards. - (a) Upon its own initiative, or upon the application of...
Sec. 23.30.135. Procedure before the board. - (a) In making an investigation or inquiry or conducting a...
Sec. 23.30.140. Appointment of guardian by court. - The director may require the appointment of a guardian or...
Sec. 23.30.145. Attorney fees. - (a) Fees for legal services rendered in respect to a...