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Sec. 08.08.030. Governance of the Alaska Bar. - The Alaska Bar is governed by the Board of Governors...
Sec. 08.08.040. Board of Governors of the Alaska Bar. - (a) There is created a Board of Governors of the...
Sec. 08.08.050. Selection of the board. - (a) Two members of the board shall be elected by...
Sec. 08.08.060. Election of officers. - The active members of the Alaska Bar who are in...
Sec. 08.08.070. Vacancies on the board. - (a) The board shall fill a vacancy in the elected...
Sec. 08.08.075. Meetings of the board. - AS 44.62.310 - 44.62.319 (Open Meetings Act) apply to the...
Sec. 08.08.080. Powers of board. - (a) Except as may be otherwise provided in this chapter...
Sec. 08.08.082. Continuing legal education for board members. - A member of the Board of Governors each year shall...
Sec. 08.08.085. Annual report. - (a) The Board of Governors shall annually prepare a report...
Sec. 08.08.090. Power of the bar to make or change bylaws and regulations. - A bylaw or regulation adopted by the Board of Governors...
Sec. 08.08.100. Administrative Procedure Act. - The bylaws and regulations adopted by the board or the...