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Sec. 14.25.009. Applicability of AS 14.25.009 - 14.25.220. - The provisions of AS 14.25.009 - 14.25.220 apply only to...
Sec. 14.25.010. Retirement plan established; federal qualification requirements. - (a) A joint-contributory retirement plan for teachers of the state...
Sec. 14.25.012. Purpose and effective date. - (a) [Repealed, ยง 132 ch 9 FSSLA 2005.] (b) The...
Sec. 14.25.040. Membership; credited service. - (a) Unless a teacher or member participates in a university...
Sec. 14.25.043. Reemployment of retired members. - (a) Except as provided in (f) of this section, if...
Sec. 14.25.047. Participation by Special Education Service Agency employees. - An employee of the Special Education Service Agency may participate...
Sec. 14.25.048. Teachers of Alaska Native language and culture. - (a) Except as provided in (d) of this section, an...
Sec. 14.25.050. Contributions by members. - (a) Except as provided in (c) of this section, beginning...
Sec. 14.25.055. Supplemental contributions by teachers. - If a teacher first joined the plan before July 1,...
Sec. 14.25.060. Arrearage indebtedness. - (a) If a member first joined the plan before July...
Sec. 14.25.061. Retroactive indebtedness. - (a) A member who was not subject to the provisions...
Sec. 14.25.063. Payment of indebtedness. - (a) In AS 14.25.009 - 14.25.220, a member does not...
Sec. 14.25.065. Transmittal of contributions; claims against funds of an employer. - (a) All contributions deducted in accordance with AS 14.25.050 and...
Sec. 14.25.070. Contributions by employers. - (a) Each employer shall contribute to the system every payroll...
Sec. 14.25.075. Purchase of credited service. - (a) An employee who is eligible to purchase credited service...
Sec. 14.25.085. Additional state contributions. - In addition to the contributions that the state is required...
Sec. 14.25.087. Contributions for medical benefits. - Contributions made by an employer under AS 14.25.070 and 14.25.085...
Sec. 14.25.100. Credit for service in the armed forces. - (a) A member who served as an active member of...
Sec. 14.25.105. Credit for service as an employee of the Territory of Alaska. - (a) A teacher who completes 15 years of membership service...
Sec. 14.25.107. Credit for Alaska BIA service. - A member who joins the plan on or after July...
Sec. 14.25.110. Retirement benefits. - (a) Subject to AS 14.25.167, a member is eligible for...
Sec. 14.25.115. Unused sick leave credit. - (a) A teacher in membership service on or after July...
Sec. 14.25.125. Conditional service retirement benefits. - (a) Subject to AS 14.25.167, a member is eligible for...
Sec. 14.25.130. Disability benefits. - (a) A member who has five or more years of...
Sec. 14.25.142. Cost-of-living allowance. - (a) While residing in the state, a person receiving a...
Sec. 14.25.143. Post retirement pension adjustment. - (a) Once each year, the administrator shall increase benefit payments...
Sec. 14.25.145. Interest on individual accounts. - Interest shall be credited to each teacher's account at the...
Sec. 14.25.150. Refund upon termination. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, a...
Sec. 14.25.153. Rights under qualified domestic relations order. - A former spouse shall be treated as a spouse or...
Sec. 14.25.155. Nonoccupational death benefits. - (a) If the death of a member occurs after completing...
Sec. 14.25.157. Occupational death benefits. - (a) If (1) the death of a member occurs before...
Sec. 14.25.160. Death benefits. - (a) A death benefit shall be paid and any supplemental...
Sec. 14.25.162. Survivor's allowance. - (a) If an active or disabled member dies and leaves...
Sec. 14.25.163. Rollover distributions and rollover contributions. - (a) A distributee may elect, at the time and in...
Sec. 14.25.164. Spouse's pension. - (a) If an active or disabled member dies, a pension...
Sec. 14.25.165. Distribution requirements. - (a) The entire interest of a member must be distributed...
Sec. 14.25.166. Designation of beneficiary. - (a) Each member shall designate the beneficiary or beneficiaries to...
Sec. 14.25.167. Joint and survivor option. - (a) Benefits payable under this section are in place of...
Sec. 14.25.168. Medical benefits. - (a) Except as provided in (c) of this section, the...
Sec. 14.25.169. Duplicate benefits. - If payments from this retirement plan are due to a...
Sec. 14.25.173. Adjustments. - (a) When a change or error is made in the...
Sec. 14.25.175. Waiver of adjustments. - (a) Upon request by an affected member or beneficiary under...
Sec. 14.25.177. Effect of amendments; determination of benefits upon termination. - (a) An amendment to AS 14.25.009 - 14.25.220 is not...
Sec. 14.25.181. Exclusive benefit; use of forfeitures; limitations. - (a) The corpus or income of the assets held in...
Sec. 14.25.195. Special rules for treatment of qualified military service. - (a) Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of AS 14.25.009 - 14.25.220,...
Sec. 14.25.200. Exemption from taxation and process. - (a) Except as provided in AS 29.45.030(a)(1) or in (c)...
Sec. 14.25.205. Time limit for application. - If an application for benefits or for refund has not...
Sec. 14.25.210. Penalty for false statements. - (a) A person who knowingly makes a false statement, or...
Sec. 14.25.212. Pension forfeiture. - The provisions of AS 37.10.310 apply to pension benefits under...
Sec. 14.25.220. Definitions. - In AS 14.25.009 - 14.25.220, unless the context requires otherwise,...