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Sec. 45.27.100. Warranty provided. - A manufacturer shall provide, through the authorized dealer, to the...
Sec. 45.27.110. Nonconforming products. - (a) A manufacturer of a nonconforming product shall, during the...
Sec. 45.27.120. Authorized dealer warranty representations. - An authorized dealer may not make a representation about the...
Sec. 45.27.130. Warranty service and claims. - (a) An authorized dealer shall provide warranty service in accordance...
Sec. 45.27.140. Warranty restrictions. - A manufacturer may not, by dealership agreement, by restrictions on...
Sec. 45.27.150. Basis for reimbursements. - (a) A manufacturer shall use the criteria established in this...
Sec. 45.27.160. Timely reimbursement for claims. - A manufacturer shall pay a properly submitted warranty claim of...
Sec. 45.27.170. Warranty claim disapproval. - If a manufacturer does not approve a claim submitted under...
Sec. 45.27.180. Repairs required. - If a product does not conform to a warranty that...
Sec. 45.27.190. Replacement or refund. - (a) If, during the term of a warranty or within...
Sec. 45.27.200. Notice by ultimate purchaser. - (a) To claim a refund or replacement under AS 45.27.190,...
Sec. 45.27.210. Exceptions. - An ultimate purchaser may not receive a refund for or...
Sec. 45.27.220. Presumption. - A rebuttable presumption that a reasonable number of attempts have...