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Sec. 10.50.020. Limited liability company name. - (a) The name of a limited liability company stated in...
Sec. 10.50.025. Distinguishable name. - The name of a limited liability company must be distinguishable...
Sec. 10.50.030. Right to reserve name. - The exclusive right to use a name may be reserved...
Sec. 10.50.035. Application to reserve company name. - Reservation of a name under AS 10.50.030 is made by...
Sec. 10.50.038. Transfer of reserved name. - The holder of a name reserved under AS 10.50.030 may...
Sec. 10.50.040. Registration of company name. - A limited liability company or a foreign limited liability company...
Sec. 10.50.043. Exclusive right to use of name; use of nondistinguishable name. - Organization or registration under this chapter, or registration of a...
Sec. 10.50.048. Procedure for registration of company name. - Registration of a name under AS 10.50.040 is made by...
Sec. 10.50.050. Duration of name registration. - The registration of a name under AS 10.50.040 is effective...
Sec. 10.50.053. Renewal of name registration. - (a) The registration of a name under AS 10.50.040 may...
Sec. 10.50.055. Registered office and registered agent. - A limited liability company shall continuously maintain in this state...
Sec. 10.50.060. Change of registered office or agent by company. - (a) A limited liability company may change its registered office,...
Sec. 10.50.063. Registered agent's change of office location or resignation. - (a) A registered agent of a limited liability company may...
Sec. 10.50.065. Service on company. - (a) The registered agent of a limited liability company is...