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Sec. 17.30.100. Powers of the Department of Public Safety. - (a) The commissioner of public safety shall enforce this chapter...
Sec. 17.30.110. Items subject to forfeiture. - The following may be forfeited to the state: (1) a...
Sec. 17.30.112. Proceedings resulting in forfeiture. - (a) Property listed in AS 17.30.110 may be forfeited to...
Sec. 17.30.114. Seizure and custody of property. - (a) Property listed in AS 17.30.110 may be seized by...
Sec. 17.30.116. Procedure for forfeiture action. - (a) Within 20 days after a seizure under AS 17.30.110...
Sec. 17.30.118. Petition for release of seized items. - (a) A claimant under AS 17.30.116(b) may at any time...
Sec. 17.30.120. Petition for sale of seized item. - A claimant may petition the court for sale of an...
Sec. 17.30.122. State disposal of forfeited property. - Property forfeited under AS 17.30.110 - 17.30.126 other than controlled...
Sec. 17.30.124. Remittance to claimant. - (a) Upon a showing that a claimant is entitled to...
Sec. 17.30.126. Forfeiture of controlled substances. - (a) A controlled substance manufactured, possessed, transferred, sold, or offered...