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Sec. 41.35.300. Creation. - There is created in the department the Alaska Historical Commission.
Sec. 41.35.310. Composition of commission. - The Alaska Historical Commission consists of the following persons: (1)...
Sec. 41.35.320. Appointment of members. - Members of the commission are appointed by the governor and...
Sec. 41.35.330. Term of office. - The term of office for a member of the commission...
Sec. 41.35.340. Compensation. - The members of the commission serve without compensation but are...
Sec. 41.35.345. Officers. - At the first meeting of each year, the commission shall...
Sec. 41.35.347. Meetings and quorum. - The commission shall meet at least twice a year. Additional...
Sec. 41.35.350. Duties of the commission. - (a) The duties of the commission are to (1) survey,...
Sec. 41.35.375. Powers of chairman. - Subject to available appropriations, the chair may, with the concurrence...
Sec. 41.35.380. Gifts and income. - (a) There is established in the state general fund a...