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Sec. 19.05.080. Acquisition of land, easements, and materials by purchase or eminent domain. - The department on behalf of the state and as part...
Sec. 19.05.090. Declaration of taking. - A declaration of taking in the form of an order...
Sec. 19.05.100. Acquisition of excess land. - When a part of a parcel of land is taken...
Sec. 19.05.110. Authority to condemn property for purpose of exchange for public land. - When property that is devoted to or held for another...
Sec. 19.05.120. Authority to purchase property for the purpose of exchange. - When the commissioner formally declares that it is in the...
Sec. 19.05.123. Fairbanks - Seward Peninsula transportation and utility corridor. - (a) Subject to legislative appropriation, the department shall identify and...