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Sec. 14.30.600. Agency established. - There is established, as a public organization, the special education...
Sec. 14.30.610. Governing board. - The agency shall be governed by the Governor's Council on...
Sec. 14.30.620. Employees. - Employees of the agency are not in the state service...
Sec. 14.30.630. Powers and duties. - (a) The agency may (1) receive and expend public and...
Sec. 14.30.640. Eligibility for service. - The services of the agency shall be available to school...
Sec. 14.30.650. Funding. - Each fiscal year, the department shall allocate to the agency...
Sec. 14.30.660. Definition. - In AS 14.30.600 - 14.30.660, unless the context otherwise requires,...