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Sec. 14.11.005. School construction grant fund. - There is created a school construction grant fund as an...
Sec. 14.11.007. Major maintenance grant fund. - There is created a major maintenance grant fund as an...
Sec. 14.11.008. School district participation in grant program. - (a) In order to receive a grant under this chapter...
Sec. 14.11.011. Grant applications. - (a) A municipality that is a school district or a...
Sec. 14.11.013. Department review of grant applications. - (a) With regard to projects for which grants are requested...
Sec. 14.11.014. Bond reimbursement and grant review committee. - (a) The commissioner shall establish a bond reimbursement and grant...
Sec. 14.11.015. Approval of grant applications. - (a) The board shall review grant applications that have been...
Sec. 14.11.016. Administrative and judicial review. - (a) A district may request reconsideration of a decision of...
Sec. 14.11.017. Grant conditions. - (a) The department shall require in the grant agreement that...
Sec. 14.11.019. Grant appropriations. - Within the appropriation bill authorizing capital expenditures submitted to the...
Sec. 14.11.020. Assumption of responsibilities. - (a) The assembly or council of a municipality that is...
Sec. 14.11.025. State aid for school construction in regional educational attendance areas and small municipal school districts. - (a) In addition to other appropriations and funding sources, the...
Sec. 14.11.030. Regional educational attendance area and small municipal school district school fund. - (a) The regional educational attendance area and small municipal school...
Sec. 14.11.035. Report on school construction and major maintenance funding. - Every February, the department shall provide to the governor and...
Sec. 14.11.100. State aid for costs of school construction debt. - (a) During each fiscal year, the state shall allocate to...
Sec. 14.11.102. Allocation requests. - (a) A request for an allocation of funds under AS...