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Sec. 45.04.101. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as Uniform Commercial Code -...
Sec. 45.04.102. Applicability. - (a) To the extent that items within this chapter are...
Sec. 45.04.103. Variation by agreement; measure of damages; certain action constituting ordinary care. - (a) The effect of this chapter may be varied by...
Sec. 45.04.104. Definitions and index of definitions. - (a) In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, (1)...
Sec. 45.04.105. “Bank”; “depositary bank”; “intermediary bank”; “collecting bank”; “payor bank”; “presenting bank.” - In this chapter, (1) “bank” means a person engaged in...
Sec. 45.04.106. Payable through or payable at bank; collecting bank. - (a) If an item states that it is “payable through”...
Sec. 45.04.107. Separate office of a bank. - A branch or separate office of a bank is a...
Sec. 45.04.108. Time of receipt of items. - (a) To allow time to process items, prove balances, and...
Sec. 45.04.109. Delays. - (a) Unless otherwise instructed, a collecting bank in a good...
Sec. 45.04.110. Electronic presentment. - (a) “Agreement for electronic presentment” means an agreement, clearinghouse rule,...
Sec. 45.04.111. Statute of limitations. - An action to enforce an obligation, duty, or right arising...