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Part 1 - Definitions
§ 9-4-101. Collateral - Collateral” means eligible collateral pledged by a state depository.
§ 9-4-102. Default - Default” may include, but is not limited to:
§ 9-4-103. Eligible Collateral - Eligible collateral” means:
§ 9-4-104. Loss - Loss” includes, but is not limited to:
§ 9-4-105. Required Collateral - Required collateral” means collateral whose market value is equal to...
§ 9-4-106. State Deposit - State deposit” means all state funds which are placed in...
§ 9-4-107. State Depository - that has been designated by the state treasurer, the governor...
Part 2 - Accounts or Appropriations for Designated Purposes
§ 9-4-201. Special Federal Funds - The commissioner of finance and administration shall set up and...
§ 9-4-203. Trust Funds - Unless otherwise provided by law, the funding board established by...
§ 9-4-212. State Appropriations to Nongovernmental Defender Services in Capital Cases - No state funds for appeals of capital cases shall be...
Part 3 - Receipt and Deposit
§ 9-4-303. Educational Institutions - Sections 9-4-301 and 9-4-302 shall not apply to institutions and...
§ 9-4-304. Service Charges on State Accounts - Whenever interest bearing accounts are established by the state treasurer...
§ 9-4-307. State Depositories - The state treasurer is authorized to open accounts in state...
§ 9-4-308. Transfer of Funds Through Federal Reserve Banking System - The state treasurer, in the exercise of the state treasurer's...
Part 4 - Security
§ 9-4-401. Preference in Insolvency - In the liquidation of insolvent state depositories, the return of...
§ 9-4-403. Giving of Security - All state funds held in state depositories shall be secured...
§ 9-4-405. Interest on Collateral - Prior to default, the state treasurer, county trustee or other...
Part 5 - Collateral Pool for Public Deposits Act of 1990
§ 9-4-501. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 9-4-502. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:...
§ 9-4-507. [reserved.] - The collateral pool board has the following powers, together with...
§ 9-4-509. Hearing and Judicial Review — Administrative Procedure - The Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter...
§ 9-4-510. Guarantee to Public Depositors Against Loss - A qualified public depository shall guarantee public depositors against loss...
§ 9-4-511. State Treasurer — Powers - In fulfilling the requirements of this part, the state treasurer...
§ 9-4-512. Payment of Losses — Procedure - When the state treasurer determines that a default or insolvency...
§ 9-4-520. State and Public Depositors Not Liable — Exception - Under no circumstance is the state, or any state agency,...
§ 9-4-521. [reserved.] - Any fees collected under this part shall be paid into...
Part 6 - Disbursement and Investment of State Funds
§ 9-4-604. Payments to Debtor of State - No person shall draw any money from the public treasury...
§ 9-4-605. Issuance of Duplicate Warrants - The commissioner of finance and administration may issue a duplicate...
§ 9-4-607. Refunds of Erroneously Paid Amounts - With respect to any revenues or receipts collected by any...
§ 9-4-611. Compensation of Members of State Boards and Commissions - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no member of any...
Part 7 - Local Government Investment Pool
§ 9-4-701. Purpose and Findings - The purpose of this part is to enable public entities...
§ 9-4-702. Creation - A local government investment pool is hereby created consisting of...
§ 9-4-703. Advisory Committee - The members of the state funding board created by §...
§ 9-4-705. State Assistance - The state treasurer is authorized to assist local governments in...
§ 9-4-707. Electronic Transfer of Funds and Reports — Waiver - Commencing on July 1, 2011, each local government participating in...
Part 9 - State Office Buildings and Support Facilities Revolving Fund
§ 9-4-901. Created - There is hereby created within the general fund a special...
§ 9-4-902. Unencumbered Funds and Unexpended Balance - Any unencumbered funds and any unexpended balance of the fund...
§ 9-4-903. Interest - Interest accruing on investments and deposits of the fund shall...
§ 9-4-904. Investments — Administration of Fund - Moneys in the fund shall be invested by the state...
§ 9-4-905. Purpose of Fund - The state office buildings and support facilities revolving fund is...
§ 9-4-906. Deposits - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, there shall be deposited...
§ 9-4-907. Lease Payments - Lease payments for space occupied by state agencies, including the...
Part 10 - Pension Stabilization Reserve Trust
§ 9-4-1001. Pension Stabilization Reserve Trust Fund - The pension stabilization reserve trust is created. The pension stabilization...
§ 9-4-1002. Trustees - The comptroller of the treasury, the commissioner of financial institutions,...
§ 9-4-1005. Suspension of Deposits of Employer Contributions - Deposits of employer contributions into the pension stabilization reserve trust...
§ 9-4-1006. Annual Financial Reports - The trustees shall prepare annual financial reports following the close...
Part 11 - State Employee Legacy Pension Stabilization Reserve Trust
§ 9-4-1101. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 9-4-1102. State Employee Legacy Pension Stabilization Reserve Trust Fund - The state employee legacy pension stabilization reserve trust is created....
§ 9-4-1103. Chair of Trustees - The comptroller of the treasury shall serve as the chair...
§ 9-4-1106. Annual Financial Reports - The trustees shall prepare annual financial reports following the close...
Part 12 - Teacher Legacy Pension Stabilization Reserve Trust
§ 9-4-1201. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 9-4-1202. Teacher Legacy Pension Stabilization Reserve Trust Fund - The teacher legacy pension stabilization reserve trust is created. The...
§ 9-4-1203. Chair of Trustees - The comptroller of the treasury shall serve as the chair...
§ 9-4-1206. Annual Financial Reports - The trustees shall prepare annual financial reports following the close...
Part 51 - State Budget and Appropriations
§ 9-4-5102. Performance-Based Program Budgeting - It is the intent of the general assembly that, to...
§ 9-4-5104. Revenue Estimates - On or before January 1 of each year, the commissioner...
§ 9-4-5109. Amendment of Appropriation Recommendations - The governor may amend or supplement the governor's recommendations as...
§ 9-4-5114. Obligations After Fiscal Year Prohibited — Allotments Required - No appropriation shall confer authority to incur an obligation after...
§ 9-4-5116. Abortion Funding - No state funds shall be expended to perform abortions. The...
Part 52 - Estimated Rate of Growth of Economy; Limitation on Appropriations -
Part 53 - State Sharing
§ 9-4-5301. Statutes Providing Base Apportionment for Determining Additional State Revenues - Funds apportioned as state-shared taxes to county and municipal governments...
§ 9-4-5304. Procedure for Meeting Requirement That State Share Increased Expenditures - For any bill requiring increased expenditures by cities and counties...
§ 9-4-5305. Construction of This Part - Nothing in this part shall be construed to reduce the...
§ 9-4-5306. Locality Does Not Meet Municipality Requirements - IF, after July 1, 1998, a locality is deemed by...
Part 54 - Block Grant Review Act of 1996
§ 9-4-5401. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 9-4-5402. Purpose - The purpose of this part is to require state agencies...
§ 9-4-5403. Considerations in Block Grants and Federal Devolution - To the greatest extent practicable and as permitted by law,...
§ 9-4-5404. Reporting Requirements - Each state agency responsible for making or recommending decisions on...
§ 9-4-5405. Compliance — Financial Costs - The head of each state agency shall be responsible for...
Part 56 - Tennessee Governmental Accountability Act of 2013
§ 9-4-5601. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 9-4-5602. Implementation of System of Strategic Planning, Performance Measures, and Performance Review - The general assembly finds and declares that accountability in program...
§ 9-4-5603. Application - The strategic planning, program performance measures, and performance review requirements...
§ 9-4-5604. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 9-4-5612. Proposed Instructions for the Development of Performance Measures for the Legislature - The director of the office of legislative administration shall develop...