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Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 68-5-101. Notice to Be Given of Communicable Diseases in a Household - Whenever any case of communicable disease exists, except it shall...
§ 68-5-102. Required Notifications Regarding Diagnosed Communicable and Other Disease and Related Deaths - Whenever any physician, surgeon or practitioner of medicine knows or...
§ 68-5-103. City or County Health Authorities to Carry Out Rules and Regulations of Department - It is the duty of all municipal or county health...
§ 68-5-107. Reports of City and County Boards to Department - It is the duty of each city or county board...
§ 68-5-109. Failure of Local Board to Carry Out Provisions - Whenever a local board or department of health, either municipal...
§ 68-5-110. Information on Pertussis Vaccine - In accordance with the latest recommendations of the advisory committee...
Part 2 - Newborn Testing — Eyes -
Part 4 - Newborn Testing — Metabolic Defects
§ 68-5-402. Cooperation of Departments - All state departments, including the department of human services, the...
§ 68-5-403. Exemptions for Religious Beliefs - Nothing in this part shall be construed to require the...
§ 68-5-404. Failure to Have Child Tested — Misdemeanor - Any person violating this part or parts of this chapter...
§ 68-5-405. Screening for Blood Glucose Abnormalities - The department of health shall provide a link on the...
§ 68-5-406. Retention of Newborn Screening Specimen — When Specimen and Form Containing Identifying Information Shall Be Destroyed — Retention of Specimen Beyond One Year - A newborn screening specimen taken for testing pursuant to this...
Part 5 - Genetic Testing
§ 68-5-501. Definitions for Parts 4 and 5 - As used in parts 4 and 5 of this chapter,...
§ 68-5-505. Interstate Agreements - The commissioner shall have the authority to formalize agreements with...
§ 68-5-507. Screening Program for Critical Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease for Newborns - On or before January 1, 2013, the genetic advisory committee...
§ 68-5-508. Informational Pamphlets to Be Provided to Family Prior to Testing - The information distributed to the family pursuant to §§ 68-5-504(b)(7)...
Part 6 - Pregnancy Serological Tests
§ 68-5-601. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 68-5-605. Use of Test Information - The department is authorized to use the information derived from...
§ 68-5-606. Rules and Regulations - The department is authorized to promulgate and enforce rules and...
Part 7 - Tennessee Hiv Pregnancy Screening Act of 1997
§ 68-5-701. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-5-702. Purpose - The purpose of this part is to require all providers...
§ 68-5-705. Rulemaking - The department may promulgate rules in accordance with the Uniform...
Part 8 - Tennessee Chronic Kidney Disease Screening Act of 2005
§ 68-5-801. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 68-5-802. Purpose - The purpose of this part is to urge all providers...
§ 68-5-804. Rules and Regulations - The commissioner of health is authorized to promulgate rules and...
Part 9 - Early Detection of Hearing Loss
§ 68-5-901. Legislative Findings - The general assembly finds and declares the following:
§ 68-5-902. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires,...
§ 68-5-903. Newborn Infant - Every newborn infant shall be screened for hearing loss in...
§ 68-5-905. Report and Referrals - The results of all hearing screenings performed pursuant to this...
§ 68-5-906. Rules and Regulations - The department of health, in consultation with the department of...