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§ 66-26-101. Effect of Instruments With or Without Registration - All of the instruments mentioned in § 66-24-101 shall have...
§ 66-26-102. Notice to All the World - All of the instruments registered pursuant to § 66-24-101 shall...
§ 66-26-103. Unregistered Instruments Void as to Creditors and Bona Fide Purchasers - Any instruments not so registered, or noted for registration, shall...
§ 66-26-104. Rights as Between Transferee of Decedent and Purchaser From Heir or Devisee - Any such instrument entitled to registration which is not duly...
§ 66-26-105. Priority of Registered Instruments - Any instruments first registered or noted for registration shall have...
§ 66-26-106. Presumption as to Validity of Registration After Twenty Years - Whenever a deed has been registered twenty (20) years or...
§ 66-26-107. Presumption as to Subscription by Grantor After Thirty Years - Where a deed has been registered more than thirty (30)...
§ 66-26-108. Presumption as to Deeds by Attorneys After Twenty Years' Registration - In all cases where a deed or deeds conveying real...
§ 66-26-109. Presumption as to Powers of Attorney After Twenty Years - When a power or powers of attorney authorizing the sale...
§ 66-26-110. Registered Instruments as Evidence — Presumptions and Burden of Proof Regarding Signatures on Instruments - Code 1858, § 2071 (deriv. Acts 1831, ch. 90, §...
§ 66-26-111. Proof of Instruments Registered Before 1839 - Every instrument authorized by law to be registered and proved...
§ 66-26-112. Erroneous Recital as to County Where Land Located - When a grant from the state for lands recites that...
§ 66-26-113. Omission of Words From Certificate - The unintentional omission by the clerk or other officer of...
§ 66-26-114. Correction of Omission - If the omission is a matter of substance, the clerk...
§ 66-26-115. Registration of Correction - The register shall record the correction in the proper book...