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§ 63-29-101. Findings of General Assembly - The general assembly recognizes the need for a person to...
§ 63-29-102. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
§ 63-29-104. Members — Terms of Office - The terms of office of the members of the council...
§ 63-29-105. Removal of Council Member for Absenteeism - When a council member is absent from three (3) consecutive...
§ 63-29-107. Responsibilities of Council - The council shall:
§ 63-29-110. Status - Any CPM who is not practicing midwifery in Tennessee may...
§ 63-29-111. Reapplication After Expiration of Certificate - Any CPM who does not seek inactive status and allows...
§ 63-29-112. Fees - The application and renewal fees are to be set by...
§ 63-29-113. Display of Certificate - The certificate shall be displayed at all times in a...
§ 63-29-116. Rules and Regulations - The board and department, with assistance and advice from the...