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Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 61-1-101. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter:
§ 61-1-107. Partnership Subject to Amendment or Repeal of Chapter - A partnership governed by this chapter is subject to any...
Part 2 - Nature of Partnership
§ 61-1-203. Partnership Property - Property transferred to or otherwise acquired by a partnership is...
Part 3 - Relations of Partners to Persons Dealing With Partnership
§ 61-1-301. Partner Agent of Partnership - Subject to the effect of a statement of partnership authority...
§ 61-1-304. Statement of Denial - A partner or other person named as partner in a...
Part 4 - Relations of Partners to Each Other and to Partnership
§ 61-1-402. Distributions in Kind - A partner has no right to receive, and may not...
Part 5 - Transferees and Creditors of Partner
§ 61-1-501. Partner Not a Co-Owner of Partnership Property - Partnership property is owned by the partnership as an entity....
§ 61-1-502. Partner's Transferable Interest in Partnership - The only transferable interest of a partner in the partnership...
Part 6 - Partner's Dissociation
§ 61-1-601. Events Causing Partner's Dissociation - A partner is dissociated from a partnership upon the occurrence...
Part 7 - Partner's Dissociation When Business Not Wound Up
§ 61-1-705. Continued Use of Partnership Name - Continued use of a partnership name, or a dissociated partner's...
Part 8 - Winding Up Partnership Business
§ 61-1-801. Events Causing Dissolution and Winding Up of Partnership Business - A partnership is dissolved, and its business must be wound...
§ 61-1-804. Partner's Power to Bind Partnership After Dissolution - Subject to § 61-1-805, a partnership is bound by a...
Part 9 - Conversions and Mergers
§ 61-1-901. Definitions - In this part:
§ 61-1-908. Nonexclusive - This part is not exclusive. Partnerships or limited partnerships may...
Part 10 - Limited Liability Partnership
§ 61-1-1005. Professional Registered Limited Liability Partnerships - Notwithstanding any other law, a partnership engaged in the rendering...
Part 12 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 61-1-1201. Uniformity of Application and Construction - This chapter shall be applied and construed to effectuate its...
§ 61-1-1202. Short Title - This chapter may be cited as the “Uniform Partnership Act.
§ 61-1-1203. Severability Clause - If any provision of this chapter or its application to...
§ 61-1-1204. Effective Date - This chapter takes effect on January 1, 2002, the public...
§ 61-1-1205. Repeals - Effective January 1, 2002, the following acts and parts of...
§ 61-1-1207. Savings Clause - This chapter does not affect an action or proceeding commenced...
§ 61-1-1208. Filing Fees - Document Fee