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Part 1 - Plant Pest Act
§ 43-6-101. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 43-6-102. Part Definitions - As used in this part and the rules, regulations or...
§ 43-6-104. Rules and Regulations — Force and Effect - The commissioner has the power to promulgate such rules and...
§ 43-6-105. Uniform Administrative Procedures Act Applicable — Exception for Quarantine Procedure - Administration of this part shall comply with the Uniform Administrative...
§ 43-6-106. Duties of Commissioner — Powers - It is the duty of the commissioner to protect the...
§ 43-6-107. Appointment of Assistants — Cooperative Agreements — Official Publication - The commissioner has the power and authority to:
§ 43-6-108. Promulgation of Rules — Certified Copies in Evidence - All rules and regulations made pursuant to this part shall...
§ 43-6-109. Pests and Diseases — Special Permits - The introduction into this state of any insect pests, pest...
§ 43-6-110. Isolation of Plants and Products — Inspection - Any person, including common carriers, who shall knowingly receive plants,...
§ 43-6-111. Liability of Principal - In construing and enforcing this part, the act, omission or...
§ 43-6-112. Violations — Penalty - Any person who violates any provision or requirement of this...
Part 2 - Eradication of Johnson Grass
§ 43-6-201. Adoption of Part by County Legislative Body - The various county legislative bodies of the state may by...
§ 43-6-202. Johnson Grass Extermination Areas — Designation by Commissioner of Agriculture — Notice - The commissioner of agriculture shall within thirty (30) days after...
§ 43-6-206. Failure to Comply — Prosecution - Upon failure or refusal to comply with this part, the...
§ 43-6-208. Nuisance — Action to Enjoin - The existence or growth of Johnson grass, in counties electing...
§ 43-6-209. Appropriation of Funds by County - Upon the adoption of this part by a county, such...
§ 43-6-210. Removal of County From Provisions of Part - When any particular county has adopted this part and brings...
Part 4 - Eradication of the Cotton Boll Weevil
§ 43-6-401. Purpose - The general assembly has found and determined and does declare...
§ 43-6-402. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 43-6-403. Commissioner — Duty — Cooperation With Agencies, Groups or Persons - The commissioner shall carry out programs to destroy and eliminate...
§ 43-6-404. Commissioner — Powers - The commissioner may enter cotton fields and other premises in...
§ 43-6-405. Cotton Growers — Submission of Form - Every person growing cotton in this state shall furnish to...
§ 43-6-406. Promulgation of Rules — Quarantine - Whenever the commissioner determines that such action is necessary, or...
§ 43-6-407. Elimination Zones — Designation — Rules — Penalties - The commissioner may designate by rule one (1) or more...
§ 43-6-408. Destruction or Treatment of Cotton in Elimination Zones - The commissioner may destroy or, in the commissioner's discretion, treat...
§ 43-6-424. Referendum — Management and Expense - The arrangements for, and management of, any referendum held under...
Part 5 - Suppression of Black Flies
§ 43-6-501. Legislative Intent - The general assembly recognizes the negative impact of uncontrolled populations...
§ 43-6-503. Biological Control Agent - The biological control agent used in the program shall be...