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Part 1 - Forfeiture of Conveyances
§ 40-33-103. Commencement of Action for Determination of Forfeiture - In the event of seizure pursuant to § 40-33-102, proceedings...
§ 40-33-105. Removal of Forfeited Conveyance - When a conveyance is forfeited under this part, the director...
§ 40-33-106. Jurisdiction Over Disposition of Conveyance - In any county having more than one (1) circuit court,...
§ 40-33-107. Procedure for Determination of Forfeiture - In all cases of seizure of any conveyance subject to...
§ 40-33-109. Claim Not Filed — Disposition of Conveyance - If no claim is interposed, the conveyance shall be forfeited...
§ 40-33-111. Lien for Fees of Attorney for Accused - The right to a forfeiture as provided in this part...
Part 2 - Forfeiture Procedures Generally
§ 40-33-201. Application - All personal property, including conveyances, subject to forfeiture under §...
§ 40-33-202. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 40-33-212. Settlement Agreements - Only the chief administrative officer of the seizing agency, or...
§ 40-33-214. Rules - Any applicable agency authorized to conduct forfeiture hearings pursuant to...