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§ 36-4-101. Grounds for Divorce From Bonds of Matrimony - Code 1858, § 2448 (deriv. Acts 1819, ch. 20, §...
§ 36-4-102. Legal Separation - Code 1858, § 2449 (deriv. Acts 1835-1836, ch. 26, §...
§ 36-4-103. Irreconcilable Differences — Procedure - Code 1858, § 2448 (deriv. Acts 1819, ch. 20, §...
§ 36-4-104. Residence Requirements - Code 1858, § 2450 (deriv. Acts 1799, ch. 19, §...
§ 36-4-105. Venue - Code 1858, § 2451 (deriv. Acts 1835-1836, ch. 26, §...
§ 36-4-106. Complaint for Divorce or Legal Separation — Temporary Injunctions - Code 1858, § 2452 (deriv. Acts 1835-1836, ch. 26, §§...
§ 36-4-107. Verification of Petition — Effect of Noncompliance - Code 1858, § 2453 (deriv. Acts 1835-1836, ch. 26, §...
§ 36-4-108. Security for Costs — Service of Process - Code 1858, § 2454 (deriv. Acts 1831, ch. 20, §...
§ 36-4-109. Time for Hearing - If the subpoena to answer has been served upon the...
§ 36-4-110. Appearance and Answer - The defendant may appear according to the rules of the...
§ 36-4-111. Failure to Separate Not a Defense - It is no impediment to a divorce that the offended...
§ 36-4-112. Defense When Ground Is Adultery - If the cause assigned for the divorce is adultery, it...
§ 36-4-113. Issues — Trial by Jury — New Trial - Issues may be made up at the request of either...
§ 36-4-114. Proof Required - If the defendant admits the facts charged in the bill...
§ 36-4-115. Form of Proof - Either party may take proof by depositions according to the...
§ 36-4-117. Proof When Ground Is Spouse's Refusal to Remove to This State - If the divorce is sought by the complainant spouse on...
§ 36-4-118. Proof When Ground Is Conviction of Crime - The proof that the defendant is a convict, or is...
§ 36-4-119. Decree of Court Generally - If, upon hearing the cause, the court is satisfied that...
§ 36-4-120. Ill Conduct Defense - Code 1858, §§ 2466, 2467 (deriv. Acts 1835-1836, ch. 26,...
§ 36-4-122. Costs - The court may decree costs against either party, and may...
§ 36-4-123. Appeals - Appeals in divorce cases shall be governed by the Tennessee...
§ 36-4-124. Right to Remarry - When a marriage is absolutely annulled, or dissolved, the parties...
§ 36-4-125. Legitimacy of Children Unaffected by Divorce or Annulment - The annulment or dissolution of the marriage shall not in...
§ 36-4-127. Expunction of Divorce Records Upon Reconciliation of Parties - Parties to any divorce proceeding, who have reconciled and dismissed...
§ 36-4-128. Remarriage After Spouse's Two-Year Absence — Effect of Spouse's Return - Code 1858, § 2461 (deriv. Acts 1835-1836, ch. 26, §...
§ 36-4-133. Compliance With Notice of Insurance Termination Provisions Required - On and after January 1, 2007, before entering an order...
§ 36-4-135. False Allegations of Sexual Abuse in Furtherance of Litigation - Whenever a trial court finds that any person knowingly made...