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Part 1 - Purpose and Early Voting
§ 2-6-107. Application and Supplies Limited - The election commission shall furnish only one (1) application for...
§ 2-6-108. Attesting Officials - In each county, the county election commissioners of the minority...
§ 2-6-110. Early Voting Application — Uniform Forms - The coordinator of elections shall adopt a uniform form for...
§ 2-6-111. Filling Out Application to Vote Early - The administrator of elections shall fill out the application to...
§ 2-6-113. Designation of Satellite Location Outside Boundaries of One of Counties Where Municipality Lies in Two or More Counties - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, if a municipality is...
Part 2 - Absentee Voting
§ 2-6-201. Methods of Voting Absentee - A registered voter in any of the following circumstances may...
§ 2-6-203. Filling Out Application to Vote by Mail and Voter's Affidavit - The voter may have anyone the voter chooses write the...
§ 2-6-205. Absentee Voting for Voters Registered as Nonresident Property Owners - In the case of individuals who, pursuant to § 2-2-107(a)...
§ 2-6-206. Absentee Ballots for Person Participating in Address Confidentiality Program - The following shall apply to registered voters who are participants...
§ 2-6-207. Assistance by Person Convicted of Voter Fraud Prohibited - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a person convicted of...
Part 3 - General Provisions
§ 2-6-304. Procedure of Counting Board - Affidavits removed from sealed absentee ballots of absent voters who...
§ 2-6-305. Election Laws Applicable - The provisions of chapter 7 of this title with respect...
§ 2-6-306. Absentee Voter Dying Prior to Election Day — Disposition of Ballot - If an absentee voter has voted before an election and...
§ 2-6-307. Disposition of Registration Records After Election - Except in those counties which use computerized duplicate registration records,...
§ 2-6-308. Early and Absentee Voting Applications — Uniform Forms - The coordinator of elections shall adopt uniform forms for each...
§ 2-6-309. Absentee Ballot Envelope — Requirements — Voter's Affidavit Form - VOTER'S AFFIDAVIT State of County of I, , do solemnly...
§ 2-6-312. Official Forms at Expense of State - The coordinator of elections shall prepare and furnish all applications,...
Part 4 - Emergency Absentee Voting -
Part 5 - Voting by Military and Overseas Citizens
§ 2-6-501. Voting or Registering by Mail Outside United States or by Armed Forces — Envelopes - For persons voting absentee by mail or registering by mail...
Part 6 - Voting at Licensed Nursing Homes -