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Part 1 - Development Districts
§ 13-14-101. Short Title - This chapter shall be known as the “Development District Act...
§ 13-14-104. Membership of Boards - The membership of boards created under this chapter shall consist...
§ 13-14-110. Regional Agencies Under Special Acts - Nothing in this chapter shall in any way limit or...
§ 13-14-111. Financing - Per Capita Assessment Annual State Appropriation 1-5 cents $40,000 6-10...
Part 2 - Community-Based Development Organizations
§ 13-14-201. Creation - It is the intent of the general assembly to provide...
§ 13-14-202. Community-Based Development Organization Defined - A community-based development organization is an organization that:
§ 13-14-203. Purpose - A program may be established by this state to build...
§ 13-14-204. Available Assistance - In carrying out this part, any, or a combination of...
§ 13-14-205. Preferences in Granting Assistance - In carrying out this part, preference shall be given to...
§ 13-14-206. Authority to Implement Rules - Rules may be developed by the state to carry out...
§ 13-14-207. Authority - Nothing in this part shall limit the authority or powers...
§ 13-14-208. Administrative Expenses - Any grant program authorized under this part to support the...