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§ 43-38-505. Restrictions on Assignment of Governance Rights - In addition to restrictions set forth in this chapter, restrictions...
§ 43-38-506. When Assignment of Financial and Governance Rights Effective - Any permissible assignment of financial rights under § 43-38-503 and...
§ 43-38-507. Judgment Creditors of Members - On application to a court of competent jurisdiction by any...
§ 43-38-514. Failure to Receive Notice - Failure of a member to receive a special or regular...
§ 43-38-521. Proxy Voting Prohibited - Voting shall not be by proxy, except as provided in...
§ 43-38-525. Representative of the Cooperative at Meetings of Cooperative Owned Business Entities - A cooperative that holds ownership interests of another business entity...
§ 43-38-529. Member Liability - A member is not, merely on account of that status,...