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§ 4-1-302. State Songs - The official songs of this state shall be as follows:
§ 4-1-303. State Poems - Oh Tennessee, My Tennessee What Love and Pride I Feel...
§ 4-1-304. State Slogan - The following is hereby adopted as an official slogan for...
§ 4-1-305. State Tree - The tulip poplar is designated and adopted as the official...
§ 4-1-306. State Wild Flowers - The official wild flowers of this state shall be as...
§ 4-1-307. State Cultivated Flower - The iris, family iridaceae , is designated as the state...
§ 4-1-309. State Rock - The useful and attractive calcium carbonate, commonly known as limestone,...
§ 4-1-311. Official Railroad Museums - The following are designated as official railroad museums in this...
§ 4-1-312. State Folk Dance - The square dance is hereby designated as the official state...
§ 4-1-313. Porcelain Painting - Porcelain painting (china painting) is recognized as a fine art...
§ 4-1-314. Great Seal of the State of Tennessee - Click to view
§ 4-1-315. State Motto - The motto of this state shall be “Agriculture and Commerce,”...
§ 4-1-316. State Commercial Fish - The channel catfish is hereby designated as the official state...
§ 4-1-317. State Sport Fish - The small-mouth bass is hereby designated as the official state...
§ 4-1-318. State Game Bird - The bobwhite quail is hereby designated as the official state...
§ 4-1-319. State Butterfly - The beautiful zebra swallowtail, Eurytides marcellus , is hereby designated...
§ 4-1-320. State Amphibian - The unique Tennessee cave salamander, Gyrinophilus palleucus , is hereby...
§ 4-1-321. State Reptile - The widespread eastern box turtle, Terrapene carolina , is hereby...
§ 4-1-322. Official Poem of the Tennessee Bicentennial - The poem entitled “Who We Are” by Margaret Britton Vaughn,...
§ 4-1-323. Official State Tartan - The design adopted by the Heart of Tennessee Scottish Celebration...
§ 4-1-324. State Theatre of Tennessee - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the Tennessee Theatre is...
§ 4-1-325. State Horse - The Tennessee Walking Horse is hereby designated as the official...
§ 4-1-327. State Fruit - The delicious tomato, Lycopersicon lycopersicum , is designated as the...
§ 4-1-328. Railroad Library - The A.C. Kalmbach Memorial Library in Chattanooga is an official...
§ 4-1-329. Official Salute to the Tennessee Flag - Three white stars on a field of blue God keep...
§ 4-1-330. State Mineral - Agate is designated as the official state mineral.
§ 4-1-331. State Beverage - Milk is designated as the official state beverage.
§ 4-1-332. State Evergreen Tree - The eastern red cedar, Juniperus virginiana , is designated as...
§ 4-1-333. Official State Botanical Garden - The University of Tennessee Botanical Gardens are designated as the...
§ 4-1-335. Official State Fife and Drum Corps - The Watauga Valley Fife and Drum Corps is hereby designated...
§ 4-1-336. Official State Artifact - Sandy,” the ancient stone statue discovered in 1939 on Sellars...
§ 4-1-337. Official State Pet - Dogs and cats that are adopted from Tennessee animal shelters...
§ 4-1-338. Official State Symbol - The official state symbol shall be the circular feature of...
§ 4-1-339. Official State Plane - The Boeing B-17F known as the Memphis Belle is designated...
§ 4-1-340. Official State Community Theater - The Oak Ridge Playhouse is designated as an official state...
§ 4-1-341. Here's the Beef Festival - The Here's the Beef Festival in Giles County is designated...
§ 4-1-342. Official State Buck Dance Competition - Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the Robert Spicer Memorial...
§ 4-1-343. Official State Dog - The bluetick coonhound is designated as the official state dog.
§ 4-1-344. Official State Nickname - The official nickname of this state is “The Volunteer State.