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§ 43-14-301. County Legislative Body Authorized to Purchase Terracing Equipment — Conditions - Where there is organized in a county a soil conservation...
§ 43-14-303. Analyzing Soil for Lime and Phosphate Content — Purchase of Equipment - Where there is organized in the county a soil conservation...
§ 43-14-304. Organization With Aid of University of Tennessee Extension Service - Farmers in a county desiring to organize a soil conservation...
§ 43-14-305. Purchase of Terracing Equipment With Advice of Extension Service - Before a county soil conservation association shall petition a county...
§ 43-14-306. Only Equipment Recommended to Be Purchased - Only terracing equipment recommended by the soil conservation association shall...
§ 43-14-307. Operators of Terracing Equipment — Salaries - The soil conservation association shall employ only competent trained operators...
§ 43-14-308. Terracing Specifications of Agricultural Engineer to Be Followed - All terracing work done, to qualify for payment under the...