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§ 47-10-101. Short Title - This chapter may be cited as the “Uniform Electronic Transactions...
§ 47-10-102. Chapter Definitions - In this chapter:
§ 47-10-106. Construction and Application - This chapter must be construed and applied to:
§ 47-10-107. Legal Recognition of Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures, and Electronic Contracts - A record or signature may not be denied legal effect...
§ 47-10-110. Effect of Change or Error - If a change or error in an electronic record occurs...
§ 47-10-111. Notarization and Acknowledgment - If a law requires a signature or record to be...
§ 47-10-113. Admissibility in Evidence - In a proceeding, evidence of a record or signature may...
§ 47-10-114. Automated Transaction - In an automated transaction, the following rules apply:
§ 47-10-120. Interoperability - The information systems council may encourage and promote consistency and...
§ 47-10-121. Severability Clause - If any provision of this chapter or its application to...
§ 47-10-123. Relevancy and Construction of Official Commentary - In any dispute as to the proper construction of one...