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§ 68-142-101. Short Title - This part shall be known as and may be cited...
§ 68-142-102. Child Fatality Prevention Team - There is created the Tennessee child fatality prevention team, otherwise...
§ 68-142-103. Composition - The state team shall be composed as provided in this...
§ 68-142-104. Voting Members — Vacancies - All members of the state team shall be voting members....
§ 68-142-105. Duties of State Team - The state team shall:
§ 68-142-109. Staff and Consultants - To the extent of funds available, the state team may...
§ 68-142-110. Immunity From Civil and Criminal Liability - Any person or facility acting in good faith in compliance...
§ 68-142-111. Child Death Investigations and Reviews - Nothing in this part shall preclude any child death investigations...