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§ 40-11-101. Short Title - Sections 40-11-101 — 40-11-144 shall be known as and may...
§ 40-11-102. Bailable Offenses - Before trial, all defendants shall be bailable by sufficient sureties,...
§ 40-11-107. Taking Bail Before Commitment - The committing magistrate or the city court clerk of any...
§ 40-11-108. Taking Bail After Commitment - If the defendant is committed to jail in default of...
§ 40-11-109. Taking Bail After Indictment - After indictment, the sheriff, upon executing the capias or writ...
§ 40-11-112. Arrest Warrant Issued for Failure to Comply With Conditions - Upon an increase in the amount of bail required or...
§ 40-11-117. Bail Security Required - Absent a showing that conditions on a release on recognizance...
§ 40-11-119. Return of Deposit to Defendant - If the conditions of the bail bond have been performed...
§ 40-11-120. Forfeiture of Defendant's Bail Deposit - If the defendant released upon recognizance under § 40-11-115 or...
§ 40-11-121. Judgment for Fine and Costs — Deposit Applied to Payment - If a judgment for fine and court costs, or either,...
§ 40-11-122. Bail Bond Secured by Real Estate or Sureties - In lieu of the bail deposit provided for in §...
§ 40-11-126. “Unprofessional Conduct” Defined for Bondsmen and Surety Agents - In addition to the criminal sanctions elsewhere provided by law,...
§ 40-11-127. Charges Preferred Against Bondsman - Upon motion, any district attorney general may prefer charges to...
§ 40-11-128. Certain Persons Disqualified as Bondsmen - The following persons or classes shall not be bail bondsmen...
§ 40-11-129. Sureties Not Discharged by Irregularities - No sureties are discharged by reason of:
§ 40-11-131. Defects in Bond No Defense - Where a bail bond or recognizance is executed by the...
§ 40-11-132. Exoneration of Bail Bondsman or Surety by Surrender of Defendant - At any time, the bail bondsman or surety may surrender...
§ 40-11-134. Sheriff Assisting Bail Bondsman or Surety in Arrest - The bail bondsman or surety is also entitled to the...
§ 40-11-135. Return of Bail Bond After Arrest - The sheriff making the arrest under § 40-11-134 shall return...
§ 40-11-136. Surrender to Sheriff - The surrender shall be made to the sheriff of the...
§ 40-11-143. Change in Bail or Conditions of Release - A motion for a change in bail or other conditions...
§ 40-11-145. “Guaranteed Arrest or Bail Bond Certificate” Defined - As used in this section and § 40-11-146, “guaranteed arrest...
§ 40-11-146. Guaranteed Arrest or Bail Bond Certificate in Lieu of Cash Bail - A guaranteed arrest or bail bond certificate presented by the...
§ 40-11-147. Admission to Bail After Arrest in One County Upon a Warrant Issued in Another County - A defendant arrested in one county on a warrant issued...
§ 40-11-151. Notice to Person Employing Bail Bondsman - Any person utilizing the services of a professional bail bondsman...