2021 Tennessee Code
Part 13 - Classification and Assessment — Utilities and Carriers
§ 67-5-1317. Failure to File Schedules

The owner of any property refusing or failing to file any schedule or statement required by this part shall be deemed to have waived the mode and manner of ascertaining the value of such property, and of the distribution or allocation by the comptroller of the treasury of such valuation or assessment to the various counties and municipalities of this state for the purposes of county and municipal taxation, and shall not be permitted to be heard in opposition to the valuation fixed upon such property by the comptroller of the treasury, nor in opposition to the distribution or allocation of same by the comptroller of the treasury to the various counties and municipalities for the purposes aforementioned; and may, at the discretion of the comptroller of the treasury, in addition, be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars ($100) for each and every day which such owner is delinquent in filing such statement or schedule.