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Section 5-9-1 - Short title. - Sections 1 through 15 [5-9-1 to 5-9-15 NMSA 1978] of...
Section 5-9-2 - Purpose. - It is the purpose of the Enterprise Zone Act to...
Section 5-9-3 - Definitions. - As used in the Enterprise Zone Act: A. "business facility"...
Section 5-9-4 - Designation of enterprise zones; revocation of designation. - A. No area shall be designated an enterprise zone until...
Section 5-9-5 - Eligibility requirements. - A. An area may be designated an enterprise zone if...
Section 5-9-7 - Administration. - The local government that created the enterprise zone shall organize,...
Section 5-9-8 - Evaluation and reporting requirements. - The local government that designated an enterprise zone shall make...
Section 5-9-9 - State agency cooperation; business incentives. - A. State agencies shall cooperate with, assist, and where possible,...
Section 5-9-10 - Tax increment method of financing. - A. Effective for property tax years beginning on or after...
Section 5-9-11 - Tax increment procedures. - A. Upon approval of an enterprise zone project, the local...
Section 5-9-12 - Enterprise zone fund; creation; use. - A. Every local government administering an enterprise zone shall create...
Section 5-9-13 - Tax increment method approval. - The tax increment method shall be used only upon prior...
Section 5-9-14 - Tax increment method; base value for distribution. - If the tax increment method of financing enterprise zone projects...
Section 5-9-15 - Regulations. - The secretary of finance and administration and the secretary of...