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Section 44-1-1 - [Who may obtain writ.] - Every person imprisoned or otherwise restrained of his liberty, except...
Section 44-1-2 - [Detention under judgment or execution; contempt.] - The following persons are not entitled to prosecute such writ:...
Section 44-1-3 - [Application for writ; to whom made; petition; signature; verification.] - Application for such writ shall be made by petition to...
Section 44-1-4 - [Application to officer residing outside district of detention; jurisdictional proof required.] - Whenever application for any such writ is made to any...
Section 44-1-5 - [Petition for writ; allegations; exhibits.] - The petition shall state in substance: A. that the person...
Section 44-1-6 - [Form of writ.] - Every writ of habeas corpus issued under the provisions of...
Section 44-1-7 - [Defects of form; names of prisoner and custodian.] - Such writ of habeas corpus shall not be disobeyed for...
Section 44-1-8 - [Wrongful refusal of writ; forfeiture.] - If any officer herein authorized to grant writs of habeas...
Section 44-1-9 - [Return; contents; exhibits; signature; verification.] - The person upon whom such writ is duly served shall...
Section 44-1-10 - [Petitioner to be produced; exception.] - The person or officer on whom the writ is served...
Section 44-1-11 - [Attachment for disobedience of writ; issuance; to whom directed; proceedings.] - If the person upon whom such writ is duly served...
Section 44-1-12 - [Attachment against sheriff; place of detention.] - If a sheriff neglects to return such writ the attachment...
Section 44-1-13 - [Precept for production of petitioner by officer executing attachment.] - The officer by whom any such attachment is issued may...
Section 44-1-14 - [Hearing.] - The officer before whom such party is brought on such...
Section 44-1-15 - [When petitioner will be discharged.] - If no legal cause is shown for such imprisonment or...
Section 44-1-16 - [When petitioner will be remanded to custody.] - The officer shall forthwith remand such party, if it appears...
Section 44-1-17 - [Causes for discharge of petitioner in custody under civil process.] - If it appears on the return that the prisoner is...
Section 44-1-18 - [Legality or justice of judgment or execution.] - But no officer on the return of any habeas corpus...
Section 44-1-19 - [Petitioner legally committed or guilty of offense; release on bail.] - If it appears that the party has been legally committed...
Section 44-1-20 - [Decision in other cases.] - In other cases the party shall be placed in custody...
Section 44-1-21 - [Custody of petitioner pending decision.] - Until judgment is given upon the action, the officer before...
Section 44-1-22 - [Notice of hearing.] - In criminal cases, notice of the time and place at...
Section 44-1-23 - [Bail proceedings; authorization of habeas corpus; committing magistrate's proceedings to be reviewed.] - Hereafter all persons to whom bail has been denied or...
Section 44-1-24 - [Certiorari to committing magistrate; transcript; examination of case de novo; decision.] - When an application is made before any authority authorized by...
Section 44-1-25 - [Pleading by petitioner after return; summary hearing.] - The party brought before any such officer on the return...
Section 44-1-26 - [Procedure when petitioner is sick or infirm.] - Whenever from the sickness or infirmity of the person directed...
Section 44-1-27 - [Disobedience of order for discharge; attachment; damages recoverable.] - Obedience to any order for the discharge of any prisoner,...
Section 44-1-28 - [Detention for same offense after discharge on habeas corpus prohibited; when permissible.] - No person who has been discharged upon a habeas corpus...
Section 44-1-29 - [Concealment or transfer of prisoner to avoid writ; forfeiture.] - If anyone, who has in his custody, or under his...
Section 44-1-30 - [Detention officer refusing to furnish copies; forfeiture.] - Any officer, or other person, refusing to deliver a copy...
Section 44-1-31 - [When writ returnable; seal.] - Every writ of habeas corpus may be made returnable at...
Section 44-1-32 - [Who may serve writ; tender of fees; bond for costs and restoration of prisoner.] - It can only be served by an elector of this...
Section 44-1-33 - [Service by delivery to custodian or person to whom writ is directed.] - Every writ of habeas corpus issued pursuant to this chapter...
Section 44-1-34 - [Service by posting.] - If the person on whom the writ ought to be...
Section 44-1-35 - [Time allowed for making return and producing prisoner.] - If the writ is returnable at a certain day, such...
Section 44-1-36 - [Compelling attendance of prisoner for trial or as witness.] - Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to restrain...
Section 44-1-37 - [Sheriff's fees for producing prisoner.] - The sheriff or person who shall be required to bring...
Section 44-1-38 - [Federal court proceedings; payment of costs, fees and expenses by state penitentiary.] - If the petition for the writ is filed in any...