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Section 30-17-1 - Improper handling of fire. - Improper handling of fire consists of: A. setting fire, or...
Section 30-17-2 - Use of an engine without spark arrester. - Use of an engine without spark arrester consists of using...
Section 30-17-3 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1981, ch. 246, § 8 repealed 30-17-3...
Section 30-17-4 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1989, ch. 346, § 13 repealed 30-17-4...
Section 30-17-5 - Arson and negligent arson. - A. Arson consists of a person maliciously or willfully starting...
Section 30-17-6 - Aggravated arson. - Aggravated arson consists of the wilful [willful] or malicious damaging...