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Section 19-6-1 - [Fires on state lands; lighting or leaving; penalty.] - Any person who shall willfully and maliciously set on fire,...
Section 19-6-2 - [Duty to extinguish fires; penalty for failure.] - Any person who shall build a fire in or near...
Section 19-6-3 - [Trespass or waste; penalty.] - Any person, association of persons or corporation, in any manner...
Section 19-6-4 - [Depredations; penalty.] - Any person who shall cut down, remove, destroy or injure,...
Section 19-6-5 - [Lessee to protect land against waste or trespass.] - Every lessee of state lands shall protect the land leased...
Section 19-6-6 - [Failure of lessee or purchaser to provide gates and runways at intersection of public highway; failure to close gate; penalty.] - Every lesee [lessee] of state lands, and every purchaser of...
Section 19-6-7 - [Destruction or damage to fence or gate on state lands; penalty.] - Any person who shall willfully and maliciously cut, destroy or...
Section 19-6-8 - [Opening and failing to close gates on forest reserves and adjoining lands.] - It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to...
Section 19-6-9 - [Liability for resultant damage or trespass.] - Any person or persons failing to comply with the provisions...
Section 19-6-10 - [Penalty for failing to close gates.] - Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this...